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“Conerney Estate Agents are extremely hands on with our managed properties and we have a full time Property Management Team to look after your property.
This means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year we have someone on call to deal with your property’s needs. “
Professional Team
Many of our landlords now don’t want to be involved in the day to day running of their properties. In fact, more and more tenants are also now requesting managed properties as it can reduce the potential for conflict. Whether you own a single property or an entire portfolio of properties, these all require your time and attention.
We have a professional team to deal with the day to day running of your property & to ensure you maximise your investment.
Often landlords think that the hard work is over when you let a property but the truth is, it’s only the beginning. Properties have to be managed well so you can then reap the financial benefits. You need to ensure rents are collected, your property is maintained, regular inspections are carried out & your tenants are kept happy. If the tenant is happy this invariably means the rent is paid on time, the property is looked after and in turn, the landlord is happy. This is exactly what we’re aiming for.

Here’s A Little Bit About What Our Property Management Service Entails
Rent Collection and Rent Monitoring
Call Out Service
Issue Statement of Accounts
Issue Annual Statement
A Dedicated Full Time Management Department
Liaise with both Tenants & Landlords
Rent Review
PRTB Registration
Maintenance Issues
Smooth Turnaround
Lease Renewals